Surrounding gaza can be justified , as kidnapping a soldier is a slap for Israeli face , but what can never be justified is attacking and destroying the infrastructure of gaza , and attacking the university there , this is proves that terror doesn’t come from individuals only , but also can be under governmental supervision , here we see a powerful state taking advantage of situations to make more and more harm for the current government of hamas , trying to do what was done with Slobodann Melosovitch , the same scenario can be seen here , keeping targeting infrastructure till making people reach rage ,and leave the second step in the hands of people , but here we are talking about nation starving , get sick without any hope of finding the medicine , people dies .
Situation is not going to any end if things didn’t change , hamas put some conditions to release the soldier , and Israel already made major steps in the way of attacking gaza , and I see the even if the soldier is delivered , Israel will at least attack the sources where missiles are

we are now standing on the edge of a change , and regardless the results we have here some positive points , first hamas contacted the Egyptian government for the first time , which may be a good way for diplomacy , Egypt was ignoring this government since its existence due to its relation with al ikhwan al moslimon , ihope this last for awhile because this government came in a democratic elections , and should be accepted as the people well .