what is going now in iraq after killing il zarkawy is not the ideal situation , making the problem of terrorism in iraq around one person is not the right explanation , no matter who is the leader ,killing him is not the end of battle , Americans and Iraqi people should know better that this was only a battle ,not the whole war , but they have to know that violence generates more and more violence , and they way they present the photos of him killed ,grabs more and more people who believe that he was right ,and he is now "shahid ", we have to respect dead , no matter what they did , it is against his rights to be humiliated like this after his death , we must not forget that we are in a war against terror , and doing this doesn’t make others fear , no this make them feel stronger and stronger , those who participated in this should understand the psychology of the Arab fighters ,and moslim ideology .
arab fighter specially those who believe they are in "gihad " don’t fear death , in counter they make it a goal but it is not like suicide it is different , they have a goal the is more important than their life , so they would give their life gladly for it , this is the source of their strength , if it was compared to any army in the world , u will find that any soldier fights for their country , for they love , for money ,which is not comparable to his own life unless for ideal cases .
so it is much dangerous now than ever ,because doing wrong things after killing il zarkawy can create more copies of him , leading to chaos more than this one we are living .
but I cant ignore mentioning the resistance ,which I support and encourage , we have to differentiate between this and that ,il zarkawy was aiming for shi3a and innocent people ,and civilians that’s why he deserves what he gained .