It was reported that in Indonesia there was discovered the first infection between humans for the chicken flue , which wasn't fully proved but it opens a window for a very dark future , if this disease started to spread between humans , It will be a disaster , thousands will die , specially that this new virus will not find any defenses to stand against it , and medicines are not produced in huge numbers yet , even if It was made and enough for every one , not all countries will be able to buy enough amounts for its people , which make our future in the hands of medicines companies .
It will not be a big problem in Europe , but in Africa it will be disaster , instability in this continent stands against helping people and avoiding a disaster .
Have any one seen a movie called THE CONSTANT GARDENER , that movie that talked for the first time about the medicine companies , and exposed for the whole world what these companies do in Africa ,using it as a field of experiments , to make this industry cheaper , and gain more profits , their work is supposed to be the messenger of good health to people , but instead of this , it became the shortest way to make huge profits , using the illness and sickness of people .
This make me ask a question , what if chicken flue became a crisis for humanity ? what will those companies do ? will they use it , or have some mercy for the first time and try to do some thing useful for us .