On October 9th, 1967, Ernesto "Che" Guevara was put to death by Bolivian soldiers, trained, equipped and guided by U.S. Green Beret and CIA operatives. His execution remains a historic and controversial event; and thirty years later, the circumstances of his guerrilla foray into Bolivia, his capture, killing, and burial are still the subject of intense public interest and discussion around the world.
Che was born in Rosario, Argentina. He was the eldest of his 4 siblings. Che is a nickname that was acquired when Guevara was studying. It means "mate" or "friend" in South America. Che studied medicine in the University of Buenos Aires. He completed his studies in 1953.
It was at this point in time that Che’s life changed forever.

Che Guevara was a natural at warfare. He was soon made commander of Castro’s forces. And succeeded in his revolution in Cuba , but couldn’t stand being a minister ,he wasn't that kind of men who make a revolution and get extra benefits of it ,he looked towards Africa , the most rich continent and poorest people under unfair conditions ever!! , tried to apply what he learned and experienced in Cuba but fate had another arrangement for him , USA didn’t like this headache , and decided to finish it as soon as possible ,and succeeded , showing that .. it is not enough to be holding good intentions , but u must have enough force to protect it .
This story didn't end by " ……… and lived happily ever after " , but left for us much of stop points to think of , first of all the idea of changing the system by force , could this be a solution and if so what are the advantages and disadvantages ?

This kind of change must be fast ,flashing , focused , otherwise it will lead into a civil war , but it is considered a solution for systems that reached the peak and there is no other way to change it , systems that made every thing peaceful impossible , systems that could change the way that people think through decades of excessive force , systems that made people afraid of just talking about it , about what it is doing , such conditions is ideal for a revolution ,but could this revolution be the hope ? … revolutions can be solution if it reflects the people desire , also if and only if it will lead to establishing a democratic system , like France for example , revolutions that leads to making some one else take control is not the solution because " authority corrupts " and by time this system will be another fascist system , instability followed by revolution can destroy nations ,like what happened in Iraq for example , may be Iraq is not the ideal example here but the consequences followed by changing the governing system can tell exactly what I mean .
But does all this mean that I am with this kind of change ? I don’t prefer it as a solution because at the time of revolution the one who made it is the only one who can gain the fruits of it , and may be this became a way to give the country another leader with the same characteristics that leaded to the revolution in the first place , opening a way for endless loop , the best way to deal with this kind of systems is try all peaceful ways , it takes time ,but safer and leads to a real change , stable and clean , at first it will be hard ,but by time more and more pressure will lead to the required result , but this way has its bad sides , for example between the time of start till the time of reaching the goal which is establishing democracy there will be thousands of victims , put in prison , tortured ,humiliated ,killed … but those are the cost of having clean and safe result .
And we must not forget that democracy doesn’t come ease , it is a nature in those who are in control to seek more and more control , if we didn’t stand against their desires they will get what they want , even in England if people there didn’t stand against the trials of government to take advantage on them , democracy will get weaker and weaker .. there is one thing about democracy that it doesn’t last by its own it last by having a wake people ,guarding it ,and at last happy birth day Guevara , you was a unique dreamer who couldn’t achieve his dream ,but died trying . a man of principles showing the singular case of the famous rule authority corrupts .