GNM said...
I m sure u have heard and seen the Movie of "Passion of the christ", do u aprove for that movie to be viewed in Cinemas..??? while it completely built on a wrong thought in our relegion (ISLAM)..???Ya.., all of us have seen it on CD's .. and i know , in person, ppl who were miss-affected by that movie...These kind of Movies must not be allowed in our countries because we deal with relegion in a more holy way than Europe or America on any other country..and if u allow "DAvinchi Code" to be viewed in Cinemas .. don't be upset if another bad movie abt ur prophet or ur relegion thoughts was allowed..qouted: ((is this enought to make me unable to get the movie and watch it ? ))NO.. and that's not whay it's forbidden.. We all will see the movie , through the net .. on CD ..we will get it in any easy way.. the gevernment know that for sure...I didn't read the Novel itself but i read a brief abt it .. but it touches the christians in their old faith... (relating to davichi Picture Al3asha2 Ela7'eer)and let it be allowed in public and u'll find someone who tells u why not viewing the Play that was done by some church and cause alot of troubles in alex in moharram beh... (u've heard abt it for sure)I don't think I'll be glad to see someone humiliate my relegion and beliefs in public..If it's his opinion we can disscuss it together in a nice and respectable way.. and to tell u I m completely sure that our relegion has nothing at all that has more than one probability in the issues of faith(3akida) .. but like the comics of Danemark.. some one wants to express his opinion .. why blaming him.. don't want to be open minded..!!Besides not every one is so open minded and can accept the other .. and that;s wrong .. i know..But those ppl exist and can make fetna we problems in the communit.. while we re in the middle of tention period between Muslims and Christians .. So It's not It's time at all...I think Things that touches relegions seriously must be disscussed by understanding wise open-minded person not for the street man... If that Movie is in Cinemas...U tell me how many person would bother him self and look for the truth and discuss things wisely..THE ppl are not that deep u think.. and they let themselves be so..and after all i didn't read the novel and don't exactly know it deeply..(Remind me to ask u for the arabic and english version of the Novel)RegardsGNM
I have seen the movie , and i approve viewing this movie in cinema for several reasons :
-we have to see the other side of the coin and see what is others are thinking of
-it is not 7aram to watch what is against our religion , at least to see what is there wrong
-if i didn't see it in cinema , I will see it by any other mean and not only me , many others as well, specially in the last two years, such a thing became very easy in Egypt.
but i am against viewing this movie in cinemas without declaring the right and wrong by a documentary movie in the beginning of the movie to show us what is wrong and what is right ,and this will not happen if i saw the movie alone ,also those who get confused are those who don't understand the basics of Islam , and they need care by any mean possible ,they are weak and not aware about Islam.
It is unfair to compare between showing prophet mohamad (3alihi al salato wal salam) in a movie and showing Christ (3alih ilsalam) ,it is the same misunderstanding that happened in Denmark , there it is ok to show Christ and very common to use comics in that purpose ,but they didn’t understand that it is 7aram in Islam to show prophets for several reasons ,were clearly identified .
Talking about davinci code , I have read and watched the movie ( that is forbidden ) I cant tell u that the movie didn’t show every thing in the story , so it is meaning less to approve the story and deny the movie , as I said a little documentary movie in the beginning will solve problem of confusion , and we must not forget that the movie is made by Christians ,and some of what came in the story is documented already , the story is a huge documentary facts , but what was done is looking at things we already know as Muslims and Christians from different angle , and what happened in mo7aram bik was different than this case in our hands , we are not talking about a movie made by Muslims to attack Christians ,but we are talking about movie made by Christians and attacking Christians .
In the case of davinci code I only approve making it forbidden in case the Christians here refused to show it in theaters , but even if it was approved it is nothing compared to the story , the story is horrible ,and it is against Muslims and Christians as well , some of what came is matched with the Islamic model of what happened to the Christ , but getting married ?? , this matter was never discussed not in quraan neither bible ,but if there was children for Christ it would have been mentioned in any of them .
The first article was about the general idea of control in cinema , I wasn’t talking about a certain movie ,but I believe that _at least for those who can think deeply _ we should see any thing and every thing in order to see the opposite opinion and talk about it in civilized way .. many of those who will read this reply will disagree with me , but if we thought clearly we will find that davinci code was a source of argue in the whole world but it was approved in most cases ,although the story itself was approved nearly in the whole world , which is strange because the story is much deeper that the movie and more effective !!!