Friday, September 22, 2006

Today the world celebrates the ONE WEB DAY , in this day every one tells about how could internet changed his life , and about the difference between internet now and before , at the middle 90's

i Picked one of those messeges which i found really interresting , have fun

I was living in Edgewood, New Mexico, in the fall of 1996 when I first encountered the internet. America Online had just started sending out those strange little disks all over the country, and I was the only person I knew who had an e-mail account.

The local library in Edgewood, which was then located in the strip mall on Old Route 66 next to the Radio Shack, had recently picked up a few computers and internet access. It was limited to only an hour, but that was a discretionary decision by the librarian. Most folks in the area had not heard of the internet or the World Wide Web, so I pretty much had free reign on the computers.

The very first thing I did on the net was to head over to this small website called Hotmail. They were giving away e-mail addresses for free, and at the time, the only way you could get an e-mail address was to purchase internet service, which was still prohibitively expensive in the East Mountains. So I found myself at the library most nights, checking to see if I had received any e-mail (usually not) and trying out all the cool stuff that I had only heard about from tech magazines. I must have signed up for at least a dozen free e-mail addresses, most of which I never used.

The web was painfully slow and very text-heavy. Most websites looked like a dressed-down Wikipedia, and most of them didn’t have the information I was looking for. Graphics were incredibly rare, as they clogged bandwidth on a 14.4K modem. And don’t ask about audio file sharing, let alone viewing videos on the net.

And now, as I sit here in Orange County, California, ten years later, I have a blog with podcasts that I send over my cell phone, embedded streaming video from YouTube, and lots and lots of pictures, most of which I’ve taken with my digital camera. I talk with people from all over the world via e-mail. I buy movies, books and music online. I can locate any spot on the globe and tell you how to get there. And now there is some term called “information overload”, which means that I can find just about anything worth looking for on the web.

And I still have the Hotmail address. You never know who might try to e-mail you.

Today is OneWebDay, a day to celebrate all of the wonderful people who make the web a nice place to be.

I can’t wait to see what happens on the web in the next ten years.

posted by Unknown at 8:06 PM | 0 comments

One of the greatest movies I have ever seen , discussing war from the point of view of a normal citizen who was a pianist before the war , how he could survive all disasters affected his life .

It was mainly talking about Jewish , was it to remind them about their history and tell them not to do the same to Palestinians and Lebanon people ?

It is now a very old fashion to talk about how Jewish suffered .. because what we are living now , is the opposite reality of 40’s era , we are living the age that Jewish represented in Israel causing sufferings to other races , specially Arab and Moslems .

It looks like Israel is now doing what was done to Jewish tens of years ago .

In that movie there was a very touching scene ,when German was attacking a house at night , forcing the family in that house to go out ,after throwing the old man off the window ,because he didn’t stand up , although he is disabled , then they executed the family in a bloody way ,this reminded me of what is happening now by Israeli soldiers , and what happened at the beginning of Israel , when they formed gangs to attack Arab and spread terror to force them leave Palestine , this black history that exists in all leaders of Israel since its existence , there is no one of them didn’t commit a war crime against civilians .

Although this black history we always find Arab side required all the time to lower their expectations , even if they are asking for a CLEAR and DIRECT right ,how can we say that Sharon is a man of peace while the country he is ruling already occupies lands belongs to 2 countries ??!!

Where is peace in that ?

In Israeli strategy they depends on moving place of battle outside its borders , and also depends on the relationship with any surrounding country on military bases ,which peace they are seeking exactly ? is it peace or surrender ?

At time of ww2 The Arab countries didn’t show any racism against Jewish , and this is how Jewish pay back their debit ,and show how grateful they are !!!

posted by Unknown at 3:43 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

In our college they don’t save any effort in order to make us feel comfortable ,satisfied ,happy all the time , and to keep that all the time , they have to make special efforts .. like what they did in the beginning of this year.

This year is the graduation project year , in this project the students are divided into Groups , each group chooses a doctor or professor to supervise the team work status , and lend them a hand if necessary .

Normally we may have two groups wants the same doctor , that’s why they invented some thing like elections , I write my desires in a paper ,arranging the doctors that I want to be with ,so that I can get a fair chance to do what I like in the graduation project .

And Normally those who have higher grades should have better chances to join what they like ,so logically the one that has (A) grade should have priority higher that who got (B) grade and so on .

But NOT in our college , as usual we must look for being unique so they decided to punish those who got (A) grade this year ,and give a privilege for those who got (C) or (F) for change!!!
So they decided what follows :
The group formation should be as follows , assuming a group of 15 person

0-1(max) for Grade A
3 for grade B
5 for grade c
3 for grade d
3 for those who didn’t pass one or two subjects in last year

You will ask me , what is wrong in this formation ?

I will tell you , this year we have about 500 student in this year , only 13 person have grade A , making them really rare to find in any group , but it happened that most of them are couples in their groups , so we have at least 6 groups with 2 having grade A, and thanks for this decision , if they applied for joining the project they want , their choice will not be accepted and one of them will be excluded from his group !!

But there must be an explanation for this strange decision ,and actually there is one simple explanation , we have 23 possible group , with 22 possible professor to choose from ,each one can only have one student having grade A in his group , and due to this they granted that
At least 13 groups will contain students having grade A , so that they can take the lead in their groups !!!!
So we have now about 50% of total number of groups have a leader , due to this point of view they did what they can to make it balanced as possible between groups .
Till now there is no problem ,but the big huge massive problem appears if we looked at those who got grade A.

They cant join what they want , for a simple reason , it is allowed to have only one person having grade A in the group , if there is one in a group the other cant join that group , meaning if one of them is going to do a certain project , no one else can join it , even if this was the dream of his life to make this project !!
Another problem, most of those who got grade A are couples, even in groups they are couples .. So in the divisions of group arranged by students themselves we have at least 3 groups having 2 students with grade A , those groups are now threaten to be rearranged by the college authorities , without considering their desire to be in one group .
My deep sympathies to those who got Grade A .. And this is a lesson to every one, not to be that good in his study will make him less affected by these smart changes in our dear college.
posted by Unknown at 6:05 PM | 3 comments
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

posted by Unknown at 1:53 AM | 0 comments
Friday, September 08, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
posted by Unknown at 11:03 PM | 0 comments

Washington - There is no evidence confirming that toppled Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had a relationship with Abu Musab and his al-Qaeda associates, according to a senate report on pre-war intelligence that Democrats say undercuts President George W Bush's justification for going to war.

The declassified document being released on Friday by the senate intelligence committee also explores the role that inaccurate information supplied by the anti-Saddam exile group, Iraqi National Congress, had in the march to war.

It discloses for the first time an October 2005, assessment by the central intelligence agency (CIA) that prior to the war Saddam's government "did not have a relationship, neither harbour, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi and his associates".

Bush and other administration officials have said that the presence of Zarqawi in Iraq before the war was evidence of a connection between Saddam's government and al-Qaeda. Zarqawi was killed by a US airstrike in June this year.

The long-awaited report, said senator Carl Levin, a member of the committee, is "a devastating indictment of the Bush-Cheney administration's unrelenting, misleading and deceptive attempts" to link Saddam to al-Qaeda.

My comment:
As long as i can see , and every one have eyes as well , il qaeda wasnt based on iraq at saddam time , and never been there , if there is some one responsible for this chaos now in iraq , and all this terror .. it will be bush ,and his unjustified war on wasn't a war against terror , it was a war against saddam hussin but not to protect american people , simply because saddam never threatened USA , and had never attacked USA ,iraq was the no.1 allied on when the war was between iran and iraq . but when he started to get stronger than israel , and threatened israeli existance ,it became USA enemy !!
and now thanks to USA , and BUSH .. iraq is now going to a civil war .
thanks to BUSH , and his kindness , he saved iraqi people from saddam , and brought il qaeda as a replacement.
posted by Unknown at 10:43 PM | 0 comments
This is my post no.50
i wrote here 50 topic , most of them are about politics .. but when i decided to make this blog it was ment to share ideas in the first place with the outer world , to make them see how we think and where are points of argue, after a while i realized that comments wont help to do this !!

but i also found it a good place to say the truth as we see .

but every day i get more busy than the other , specially when study starts again , which will be in one week from now .

the activity was in its minimum level during summer because i was really busy .. i hope i keep this blog updated with the latest comments on news , and make it more general by time .. make it for every thing not only politics.

and please put more comments on what i write .. feedback is important to me .
posted by Unknown at 10:01 PM | 1 comments
Friday, September 01, 2006

International donors have pledged more than $940 million for the reconstruction of Lebanon, nearly double the amount originally sought.

why wasnt this merciful soul present when israel was bombing lebanon ?
it is now reconstruction , but few weeks ago it would have been some thing else , the war over lebanon was unfair , and if they did more efforts more than leaving israel do what is necessary to keep its security .. there would have been no need for this money , this money is dirty money , a way to cover the fact that they could have done some thing but they didnt !!

Jan Eliasson, the Swedish foreign minister, dismissed suggestions that the aid money would trickle down to Hezbollah, the Shia militia group, and strengthen its position in southern Lebanon.

"I don't accept that argument," Eliasson said before the meeting. "This conference aims at strengthening the central government of Lebanon and in that government Hezbollah is only a minor part."

and even if this was true , at least hezbullah doesnt attack civilians without reason , hezbullah showed in the last war how weak,dirty and immoral the israeli army are !!
besides hezbullah proved that it doesnt need the lebanon government to give him fund , he is able to cover his existance ,as well as helping lebanon people .

hezbullah was the first to keep his words when he started giving money for homeless to find a place for sleeping and living , after israeli massive distruction for lebanon infrastructure.

Some research has estimated that up to 70 per cent of Israeli bombs failed to explode,which will last for years killing people , and many reports said that this was put in purpose by israel in the last 3 days before ceasefire starts , which means it was ment to be like that .

The Lebanese report said more than 50 people had been killed by such munitions after the ceasefire and that more than 4,000 pieces of unexploded ordnance had been destroyed.
posted by Unknown at 3:26 AM | 0 comments

A leaked report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said that Iran had resumed the enrichment despite an August 31 deadline imposed by the UN Security Council to halt such work or face sanctions.

but the silly thing is .. iran didnt break the law when it resumed the enrichment .. there is no law in the world judge the suspect as guilty based on his intentions , how can we judge iran and apply sanctions without areal crime?
did iran seeked forbidden technology ?
did iran make nuclear bomb?
if the world is so keen about safty , why shouldnt they ask israel about what it have ?
about its nuclear activities which is now crossed the line of intentions by miles and miles .

at least iran is clear , and is regularly visited by inspectors , and till now there is no proof with USA that iran is making a nuclear bomb.

although The report also said the agency could not verify that Iran was not seeking to build nuclear weapons "because of lack of co-operation from Tehran".

George Bush, the US president, has warned Iran of "consequences" and said it was time for Iran "to make a choice".
"We will continue to work closely with our allies to find a diplomatic solution, but there must be consequences for Iran's defiance and we must not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon," he said

What consequences is he talking about ? is he intending to make us anew iraq ?????
is this how things are solved by the eyes of man of peace (bush) ?

USA is talking in one language , cowboy language now , and american people is misleaded by its media which should have been more honist.

Iran says its nuclear programme is solely for peaceful purposes to generate energy, however Western governments have accused it of trying to develop nuclear weapons .

posted by Unknown at 3:13 AM | 0 comments