Please refer to 7'awatir fil ta3lif first before reading this one .
Anonymous said...
""we i2lla masr 7atroo7 fil bye bye """Excuse me... heya ra7et fe el bye bye already..There is a very important factor in this problem (DISASTER) it's PARENTS...repair the teachers then u'll find the parents force them to give their sons/daughters dros 7'ososeya..Coz of what..??they may aprove with u in all what u r saying ..but when it comes to their kids (Ebny we danaya)..Ana Asef... Parents respect the doctor and the engineer coz they have the E. or dr. before their names and they got the full respect in any social community...raise their children on the concept that (if u are not one of those u r nothing, and u have no power in the society)..My chemistry Teacher in high school (Modares eldars msh elmadrasa) used always to mention that being a doctor is (Brestige mohem gedan) if u fail to get it u r a moral.. and consequently u mean nothing...that teacher was so nice and effective on students... and we were 40 students per group.. and he tought to more than 10 groups (seriously that man owns 2 buildings now ... msh ba7sed) IMAGINE the no of students who could be affected by him and believed in what he said...talking abt students who are empty (90% of them) no source of knowledge but TV and Movies and some terrible experiences with each other....!!!!!That Teacher Forced his son and daughter to enter the medicine colege and used to tell that in proud.. it's a kind of 3o2da 3ando talla3ha 3la 3eyaloh...After that he didn't even care to teach well to his students as he used to...!!!here is a teacher , parents... and miserible students lost in the middle..!!!I had a friend who wished to be computer science student and she got 99% in 2nd year ... Mametha makelemethash we 7elfet lahi bentaha wala te3rafha law mada7'aletsh 3elmy we da7'alet teb zay babaha, 3shan bent a7'oha mateb2as ahsen mennaha..The girl had to do what her mom wanted.. but finally she was smart and programmed her self for medicine colege and she gets very high degrees there...!!! with a fading lost hope...!!!This the kind of culture u r in..!!SO... this how it's... Can it be fixed??? IS there a solution...???I think this is the question which needs an answer..If the answer is NO..then leaving Egypt is the best Solution .. learn well there .. where u can be respected and raise ur kids without distorting their minds.. and u saved ur life...finalyOR.. dying is the other solution better than seeing ur hopes dying and u can do nothing and ur kids being raised and tought in this way or even ur younger brother/sister...as u will eventually realize that ppl choices are being done depending On Natiget El TANSI2 including ,even, Marriage...!!!(that's in case u kept thinking the same way.. u do now)Dying may also mean Living death.. where u r just a COW moving in cirles and smiling coz it convinced itself that this is the best... and it's so lovely...!!!(that in case u can convince ur self with the present and be like every one)OR IF The Answer is YES..... then NOW Shammar Komamek.. and get ready for extremely hard,long time Work and moslty not supported form the others..COZ repairing is toooo more difficult than building.. You need a doubled effort to fix and build... start putting the main points of the problem...HOw it could be solved..???Steps Could be taken ..??And keep in mind :...never to wait for appreciation .. oppositly u'll be depressed from others who always remind u with the previous failures..You will be shocked by ppl...And the most important .. don't wait to witness the success ... u may not live that long...We said at the first ... it's alooong work...I hope we all could make any change...Best Regards,GNM
Dear GNM,
Il dross il 7'ososia (private lessons) will never end ,and it never did before , there was dross but for those how have mental needs in schools not the class A students , the jump that happened in this phenomena wasn’t born in a day and a night ,and cant be erased between day and night either , but I know one thing ,cutting the snake head will stop it , removing the motive will decrease this gradually .
And when we talk about motive u should know that teacher get 187 LE at first ,258 LE after 5 years , 434 LE after 25 years , and this is the ideal case supposing that he get promoted in time , what actually happen is that most of them die before the reach the 434 LE , and "3lawa" 4 LE for getting married , and 2LE for having a child , so u can say that his work grantee that his child will get 2 pound every month in case he needed any thing ,now lets suppose that he will go and buy meat for a family of one child , and some rice , and one big water melon , total will be about 90 LE in average .. and lets say that he spends 30 pound for transportation , then u will find that if he is not giving dross he will have to eat one day in the month , then starve for the rest of the month , and he cant buy clothes can make his children's get educated .. but this one can be solved , he will teach them in door .
Do u think that teacher like spending all the day moving from place to place ? hardly seeing his family ? hardly sleeping and getting rest ? not having a vacation a single day in the week ? working at the spare time and then working after he finish working and working in all vacations and when he feel free he go to work to break routine , I think they are now slaves , most of them are victims , some of them are greedy enough to make us suffer them as well .
If his salary began with 1000LE at least , and when 25 years pass he get 5000-6000 ,and promotion is evaluated related to work and quality not age , then and only then u will find this phenomena decrease , do u know why ? because then u will find a teacher saying , no .. I don't give private lessons any more.
About respecting engineer and doctor ,u can tell not me about how engineers are doing now in the pavement of our clean streets , and what is happening in family is due to having no enough choices if I went to college what can I do ? (a2dab,tarbya ,3lom )= teacher , (handasa ,ma3had ragab ,akadimya,fnon gamila ) = engineer ,(tib , saydala ,asnan)=doctor , we don’t have much choices , in fact we have very narrow mind in this matter .
The teacher is saying so to u because he is already suffering his choice , but what concerns me more in this matter , is that il dars was 40 students , which means a class but outside the building of school , that’s why I am saying teachers will stop doing this when they have chance , and will do their duty in school .
It is pity to find families force their children about planning their future , who will suffer this choice for the rest of his life ? they will not live for ever watching their children living as doctors and engineers , and they wont be happy also if they found their children fail because of this , ur friend is smart enough to adapt ,but thousands didn’t do what ur friend did , and this is another problem that can be classified as "a whole generation problem" this kind of problems are not fixable but can be avoided in next generations .
But the solution is not leaving Egypt ,because leaving Egypt and going to any foreign country means that the possibility to come back is close to zero ,and in this case the possibility u have children who have a nice life their (moslim life) is also very little ,it is a high risk , and mostly results in a disaster ,children without a real character ,trying to join the other community but cant be accepted there ,specially after 11/9 ,I think u can see what is happening in England , Australia , France ……
Talking about change , well .. I never dreamed or even be close to dream that any of those steps will be taken now ,but don’t forget that the current generation who has the lead will not live forever and one day we will take the lead , and talking about time we are stronger because we have our life to live and to avoid their mistakes , we are living their mistakes now , any one who is now 40-90 was born when Cairo was the cleanest capital ever ,when Egyptian pound was strong enough to be more than the British one , when we had strong stable economy based on clear principles , "we kanit a7'ir alishta " now look what they did ? we have the opportunity to look back and see what went wrong and fix it , it will not be easy neither fast ,but eventually it will be done ,maho mosh ma32ol 7an3ish ba2it il 7ayah ma7alak sirr , 3omr ma il7al fadal wi7ish , this is what it is all about , rising and falling and rising again .