Niccolo Machiavelli wrote that end justifies mean , which is not moral .. because some times mean step over innocent souls ,hurt people ,take wrong turns to reach the goal faster .
lets take knowledge for example.knowledge goes to who deserve it ,goes to who has worked hard to obtain it , but those who have knowledge and power should never forget that nothing is infinite .
It is important for knowledge to walk step by step with morals and ethics, because power without morals controls it leads to creating a beast with no mind , do what ever he want and no one can stop him .
It is a basic instinct for him to use all his abilities and powers to achieve his goals no matter what will happen if he did so , and this is the difference between human and the "SOME THING ELSE" who even went lower than animals ,because animals didn't have the choice and didnt have the ability to reconsider and thing about their doings they were created to do this ,this was their function in earth.
Right and wrong is relative , for USA it is right what she is doing in iraq and Afghanistan , because this helps its interests ,and supports its position by controlling oil fields and achieving more control over one of the most important regions in the earth ,and one of the richest either , but for us what America is doing to achieve this is a crime .. killing innocent people cant ever be satisfied by war on terrorism .finishing terror will be by drying its sources not by enriching violence ,because violence generates more violence , leading to infinite loop , and the only victim are those who cant protect themselves of innocent people.
USA was always the farthest country from doing right and wrong , respecting human rights of its civilians and human rights of other countries ,starting from red Indians who was exterminated ,going through cow boy ages when law was luxury for those who need it,which make me ask "What makes America think that it is the one who was chosen to look after other countries comfort and stability ?"America was the only country who tested atomic bomb on an other country , not only this ,but even when the other country was about to surrender , USA couldn’t end the war without testing the other bomb "BIG DADDY " as they like to call it , so it made the most inhuman step in the humanity history ,taking the most stupid and selfish decision which was throwing the other bomb, killing hundreds of thousands to satisfy its needs .
Even animals don’t do this to each others , loin kills what he needs to eat only !! for him using all his abilities to achieve his goals is not wrong ,because this is what it was created for .