For those who doesnt know meterology , it is the since of pure measurments ,and for those who are from my department have another openion .
it has another definition , it is the subject that came from production department to make our life harder ,with no extra benfits to our engineering knowledge .
and to talk about this one i cant resist talking about the idea of having one subject outside electrical department every year and every term , i declare that i didnt get ANY EXTRA INFORMATIONS from any of those subjects that can help me in my life , and if there was any i dont think it worth having a subject reserved every year for this purpose this kind of info's can be obtained by experience any way in ur normal life .
why is that? the answer is clear .. the answer is exactilly what happened in the third year , imagine that u took signal processing instead of machine or energy systems , and took analog communications instead of "mo7asba we takalif " , and didnt take "kanon" aw "measurment instruments" ....... just imagine what will be ur life in the third year if it was normally loaded , and ask ur slef , wasnt that would be better ? and make me understand things much better ,and add some meaning to what we study ?
such subjects are made to be studied in the last day before exam , and this was some how acceptable ,but this year has special cercumstances , this year and for the first time we look at this kind of subjects as a block stone , not only a useless subject .. but a subject that take of your time and ur efforts knowing that what u are doing areinvain !!!