First i want today to tell all those who have choosen .. how sorry i am for them ,some of them were looking for lost goal ,or others were chasing a lie .. but most of them were unfortuantilly sorry about this choise ,i hope they saw the full picture of microwave and saw the big picture about what it is really about ....
some of them told me that this choice was for getting a bigger chance to compete in the field of work .. but they missed that no one actually get agood job because of his choice , "rabina howa il raza2 " , and others said "how come i get graduated without knowing about microwave , they would have been right if it was about understanding the meaning of microwave .. but here in our unique college every thing is converted into math .. every thing !!! i think some times that if they were teaching arabic .. they will teach it in math , how many one of u know that radio waves cant go underwater for more than few meters? and this is why sonar was invented to overcome this ???
u will ask me where were we supposed to know this ? i will tell u that u have already studied this in electormagnitic :) see what i mean , if i want to understand micro wave my college is the last place to do this , this is the last place to look for knowledge , i can say that most of what i know and proud of knowing it wasnt teached in my college .
for those who talks about ur course"direction" in college and how it could be specified , i am telling them that the only thing that should be specified now is how to get more degrees with the less efforts ever , because this is what it is all about .. degrees and improving ur total grade , working and learning is not in our unique college , nor in our beloved system of teaching .