Why i still see people believe that america is the only choice now for iraq ? and leaving iraq in this condition will lead to disaster ? if we thought about this issue we will find that the main problem in iraq is not terrorism , the main problem is what brought terror to this safe country , after invasion of iraq there was no control for few monthes ,which allowed qaada to put it's ugly face in iraq, also thanks to america invasion the resistance is not clearly verified ,this causes mixing between resistance and terror ,so existance of USARMY give resistance reason to work , and if this reason is removed the only thing that remains will be the ugly face of terror ,so in my openion ,people of iraq will stop supporting violence once the know who is taking advantage of this help , the third issue about peace there is we never heard about sonna and shi3a ,we were always hearing about (iraq ) and the first time i heared this word was from american tongue , cant u people see that the only one who braught this to iraq is the one that claims bringing freedom to it ? all this killing and all this violence !!.. gentlement!! what freedom exactilly that iraq is living now ? is this what bush told the world about ?
Is it freedom to go to the street looking around afraid ... afraid from that car ..and this bag .. or that box right there..any thing around u can explode in sec , even afraid of this US sniper who is sitting there , who knows may be he is in a bad mood and will shoot just to express himslef " and believe me this happens alot now ,read global news for the accidents that innocent people are killed then it appeares that they were killed by the hands of american army.
This happens because soldiers are now under stress ,they are now afraid .. afraid from this child moving right there ,and this woman carrying food for her children ,afraid because they dont know where is the next hit coming from ,afraid because they know that what they did to this country is alot .. and more than "alot " , so they have to sleep in open eyes .
But the civilian in iraq is not in a better situation , now the probability to die in iraq is rising ,because causes of death increased rapidly ,before u die there because of hunger ,lake of medicen , now u can die because ur nieghbour suddenly discovered that he is shi3a and u sonna , or because ur neighbour is in doupt that u deal with the enemy and there is time to recheck .. he will execute in u what is convenient to him and then think ,or maybe u cross the street while american convoy is coming ,dont say u didnt see that sign in the car saying "stay away or u will got shot " ...
-" WHAT did u say ? u didnt see it coming ? well this will not help u now where u are !!! there is no coming back :( "
THE TRUTH is that simple ,america and american government is not moving rundomly (unlike us ) they knew and studied iraq's internal construction , and it is enough to just keep talking about iraq as sonna and shi3a to make people after a while think about sonna and shi3a ... exactilly like alexandria's last events , the crack starts when i go to my neigbour and talk to him thinking about he is sonna and i am shi3a ,only at that time problem start to graw till it reach alevel that no one can make things be as they used to be .
chaos was the key to iraq .. if any intruder succeeded to make a reason for staying in a country ,it wont be better than saying " iam here to protect those people that cant protect themselves " this could be the reason for dismissing the army and police ,to creat chaos but it went out of control after that .
i want to ask a question "who dismissed all forces in iraq that was keeping security ?" was american army idiot when they did this ? , no .. they were thinking about thier safty on the first place ,but why cant we say that they were creating their reason to stay in iraq ? but in iraq case america miscalculated and things gone out of control , and two days ago Bush said " we may have done mistakes in iraq case "
MISTAKE is when u grab a glass of water and drop it accidently , MISATKE is when u go to solve a question and some thing goes wrong , but killing thousand of innocent people is not a mistake MR BUSH .. IT IS SOME THING MUCH MORE BIGGER .