in egypt u need more than luck to go home safe ,i remember in my last visit to cairo and while i was in the cap .. i actually could count 3 accedents happened infront on my eyes , which was amazing :) , it tells u how crazy it is to drive in cairo ,no one respects nothing there ,i think it is less crazy here in alex .
this has a very bad indication about the licences ,it is useless , the aim from having the license is to tell the world that i am ready to drive .. i know how to respect the road ,but this is not applicable here ,because mostly no one actually go throught the driving test , 90% of those go to pass the exam have agood contacts ,so they fail and take the license .
as a result more and more people who are supposed to be qualified have no idea about driving and getting through streets by luck .
when i am talking about driving i dont mean "moving the car " i mean respecting law ,taking care of these creatures walking and driving around me ,which has no meaning here in egypt now .