For those who don’t live on Egypt or didn’t see the film , it is a movie talking about a very special slice of the Egyptian community , represented in a building , this building contains all the forbidden issues , discussing it from the reality point of view , it was hitting lots of hot issues exists in the community already , some of them are getting bigger but many others shouldn’t have been mentioned .
I have to say that the movie is the first of its kind to see in the Egyptian cinema , but there is two remarks must be mentioned , first the movie wasn't- as much says- showing Egypt as a bad country , the movie was only focusing in some important cases , and we must not expect to find a movie talking about some one wakes up and go to his work then come back to sleep !! , It was fast ,focused, clever show .
But the other thing to mention is the unnecessary scenes came in the film, this movie was full of unsuitable materials for couples , the movie was said to be for adults , but it should have been for men only !!
The question is , was it possible to make a movie holding the same idea , without adding all those women in the film ? the answer is yes , and this wasn’t going to make it a bad movie , on the counter , I have seen lots of people didn’t like the movie

The movie talked about corrupted politicians in Egypt who are selling the country for their interests , and talked about humiliating prisoners , and torturing them , also terrorism but it was talking about it as every one go to the mosque is a terrorist till he proves he is innocent , talked about drugs , and many.. many other things.
But I want to comment in the homosexuals in Egypt , The movie was showing this as a common thing in our community , I don’t say it doesn’t exist , it does and I met one of them and had a talk for about 30 minutes with him , he was about 42 years old , seems to be married,and the sad thing was that he was working in the liberary of alexnadria, my opinion is that slice of community should be ignored as they doesn’t exist , because they don’t deserve their humanity , they should never considered as A human being .
Because even animals don’t do what they do , the nature of creature refuses their actions .
The movie has advantages and disadvantages , talking about advantages ..It has a message to deliver for us , didn’t talk about fantasy things that is not in our community , the story is fabricated with a professional hands , choosed right end for each one , the end that he deserved .
The disadvantages was the adult contents that was OVER the normal which don’t suit our community , showing some activities that are not suitable for our community and doesn’t exist in wide range as normal things happens every day , attacking the Islamic groups by showing them as gangs .