Every one must have passed the high school period , which has it own style ,has it own construction ,and has its own way of dealing with things , for example you always find students trying to prove themselves , by all means , some of them chooses to be thugs , Do you know what you should do when a thug cutoff your way in a school to make a fight ? you should never never show him you are afraid , because if you did so he will know that you are easy and make you his- fun time – and if you showed him some courage he will never stand in front of you again , even if you had a fight with him and lost , he will never do it again .
Imagine we are living in that big school called world , this world has the weak and strong , the good and the bad , and in this world we have thugs as well , who don’t understand any language but force , you are power full he will respect you , you are weak he will attack you all the time , And Israel is now acting as one of them , and may be not only now , since its existence it was the thug of the area , When it started in late 40's , Egypt was about to change , and before ten years pass its existence it attacked Egypt ,actually it was a triple attack , from France ,England and Israel , it was understood why would France and England attack Egypt , although they had no right , but they had reason at least but in that war , I didn’t find a single reason to make Israel attacks Egypt at that time , nothing but It wanted to be The THUG ,and just few years later it continued to act aggressively , but at this time it attacked 3 countries at the same time , in a step happened before from Hitler and napoleon , taking us back to colonies era , and of course Egypt applied for hundreds of complains and requests to all forces to get peaceful results ,but no one listened
And this didn’t stop until Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in 1973, in a war that was a mark in history between two forces that are incomparable, Egypt lost all the army in 1967's war and was rebuilding the army from scratch ,but we won that war , and could force a playing cards for negotiations.
The point is Israel is now doing the same thing but this time with helpless nation , Israel knows that difference between it and Palestinian people is really huge , in every thing , and it will keep attacking them , treating them in immoral way to make them suffer more and more ,starve to death , destroy their infrastructure ,and it will keep doing this till some one stand in front of this ,history proved that diplomacy Israel doesn’t work with Israel , may be it works if it was in favor for Israel but if it is with any good for Arab then force talks .
It is against all laws what it do now in Gaza , attacking civilians is revealing to the world the animal lies inside Israeli government , using excessive force against this people cant be justified , and it must be considered as war crimes ,yes it is a war over their , world can name it what ever he wants , but this is a war between arab and Jews since Jews took this land , it is not their land , and no matter how long they will stay there , it will never be their land , using tanks , fighter plans to attack Gaza is against any known law .
Israel must understand that blocking all ways of peaceful way to act will only lead to another 1973 war , may be we are not like before , we are now weaker ,but who know what will happen in the next few years ?? , and as the thug of the school , it needs some one to stop it , a little fight shows to Israel that this is wrong , because it seems that Israel doesn’t understand any thing but language of fire ruins .
This article is not a call for war , but it is a prediction for what this is going for , till now Israel puts its hands over other country lands like Syria and Lebanon ,which is creating a really unstable situation ,It must give up the thought of showing force to get security , because this is a false feeling of security .