was a surprise because getting America involved in that war was not a required thing for axis ,simply because no one would like to add such force as an enemy, The reason wasn’t revealed till MI5 released some of its secrets which was classified as top secret.
It wasn’t a coincidence that Japan attacked pearl harbor , simply because MI5 could make Japan think that USA is planning to attack Japan ,At that time japan didn’t have strong intelligence system in USA ,so it used inexperienced person to confirm the roomers or deny it .. unfortunately he was a civilian, so he didn’t give a professional opinion , he saw ships being fixed in the harbor so he thought that this is the preparation for the attack ,so he told japan that America will attack ,the rest is known for us , japan regretted this every hour after that when it discovered that it wont attack .
And this wasn’t the first time , the same thing happened with Germany and Russia ,making the real hero in this war want USA it was the intelligence of MI5 .
I wasn’t saying this as a story , It is to prove that what seems coincidence may not be , and what seems without explanation can be explained if we looked from the right angle ,And the first step to do this is by looking for who is making benefits of this action, then try to imagine a possible scenario that doesn’t contradict with the current situation.
For example killing il hariri , was it by Syria ? While the opposition to the pro-Syrian government in Beirut claimed that Syria was behind the assassination of the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Al Hariri, the Syrian media pointed the finger of suspicion at Israel, regardless who is the real criminal, we have to ask ourselves one question , who will gain the benefits if hariri was killed ?
For sure not Syria , because Syria is not stupid to kill this one particularly ,because any one can tell what could happen next which wont make Syria happy .
Not only that , but also looking at the scenario of what happened next ,Israel and USA accused Syria directly just after the assassination ,although the bomb that exploded was one of the highest technologies at that time , A piece of work that cant be made by Syria , il hariri had equipments anti explosives in his car that could discover a bomb in a distance ,Having a bomb that get over all this requires some one has technology more advanced than Syria .
After killing il hariri Syria was the only loser of all of that , and Israel was the winner along the whole line , Syria removed all RADAR stations which was the only defense against Israeli fighters leaving the sky of Lebanon unprotected.
And all that time Israel kept flying in ultrasonic speed over Beirut ,Waiting for Any attack of Hezbollah, And guess what ,Hezbollah did it , it attacked some soldiers and kidnapped two , it is the time .. the chance to defeat Hezbollah but this time Israel will not attack Hezbollah , it will kill civilians ,destroy infrastructure ,to make all forces in Lebanon against Hezbollah ,forcing it to be unarmed ,and this way it will finish the existence of this force in the region , as we can see THIS IS POSSIBLE , and not a part of my imagination ,now I will have to give some reasons to prove why this is not away of Israeli strategy .
-Israel uses assassination as a normal solution ,even with scientists, civilians, not a new thing to do , and it doesn’t oppose its Moral agenda , because there is no morals when talking about Israel , it do any thing and every thing regardless morals and ethics .
-Killing il hariri ,and after that forcing Syria to leave Lebanon doesn’t serve any one but Israel itself ,but this doesn’t mean that Syria is innocent , it may have killed Il hariri ,but still have a possibility that Israel is behind this even in indirect way .
-Hezbollah is the first priority now ,and cant be ignored as a growing military force that can humiliate the Israeli army ,and show how much it is unable to go into a direct contact with enemies , and it is only using the Air force advantage over their enemies.
But I don’t have any prove on what I am saying ,it doesn’t exceed being some ideas , or you can say wide imagination .