Arab forgets fast , and get used to things faster .. As one of them i tell any one if he want to do any thing that seems impossible now ,all what you have to do is to be patiant, and Do it step by step .
Israel knows this little simple info , at first killing civilians was a Big problem ,sabra and shattilla ,dir yassin and many other crimes were comitted against humanity in palastine ,which was a disaster at that time ,Arab stood against this and shouted ,because this is what we do the best , we shout all the time,but by the time we forgot , or we got used to hearing about civilians die in palasitne .. it become meaning less to say that today nine people died due to israeli bombing .It is normal , what is the meaning of killing nine ? we must thank our god that they wasnt 11 like yesterday .. we are lucky that they are not 25 like the first day of israeli attack.
Do you remmeber a kid called mohamad il dorra ? he was killed in a cold blood afew years ago ,he died while his father was trying to protect him .. died between his father's hands ,at that time there was lots and lots of shouting in the arab countries ,HOW could this happen ,it didnt pass easy because it was the first of its kind , but now .. do you hear any one talking about gaza ? about how many child dies every day ?
The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a compact, multirole fighter aircraft. It is highly maneuverable and has proven itself in air-to-air combat and air-to-surface attack. It provides a relatively low-cost, high-performance weapon system for the United States and allied nations.
In an air combat role, the F-16's maneuverability and combat radius (distance it can fly to enter air combat, stay, fight and return) exceed that of all potential threat fighter aircraft. It can locate targets in all weather conditions and detect low flying aircraft in radar ground clutter. In an air-to-surface role, the F-16 can fly more than 500 miles (860 kilometers), deliver its weapons with superior accuracy, defend itself against enemy aircraft, and return to its starting point. An all-weather capability allows it to accurately deliver ordnance during non-visual bombing conditions.
Realy great plan ,ofcourse when we hear in the news that F16 attacked acar we dont think about this ,But When the first F16 attacked gaza there was loud voices talking about: war on palistine , killing civilians ,using excessive power againest civilians .. but how many voice do we hear now about this ? who is talking about war crimes that are comitted againest helpless nation ? What did the little child do to be killed for nothing but being a palestinian girl? When an israeli civilian is killed we see the whole world talking about terror and How islam is too agressive,forgetting that this civilian is a part of the israeli army .. We must not forget that the israeli army is formed by all israeli people
males age 15-49: 1,499,186 (2000 est.)
females age 15-49: 1,462,063 (2000 est.)
which means at war time they are all members of the army ,I am not with killing them by missles and bombs because islam is against killing unarmed people even if they are capable to fight ,what i want to say is that those people are the same people who kill innocent people in palestine.So israel is not innocent when talking about children holding weapons in palestine , because it has childrens holding weapons in israel .
We need to tell the world that what is happening in israel is wrong , and all arab must use their resources to do some thing good instead of this useless situations they are taking .