A voting was set in CNN asking if I am with the Israeli attack on Hezbollah or not ,I was really disappointed when I saw the results ,at first there was a majority who is saying yes , then it come to go for those who say NO , but the ratio was almost 50% .
Why is that ? is this because Israel is attacking Hezbollah ? I have a question IS IT really attacking Hezbollah?
Israel cannot simply target Hezbollah because There is no army for Hezbollah or a building having a sign saying here lies the army of Hezbollah in piece,It is different here ,Israel is facing a militia That can strike and hide with no trace , this kind of forces cant be faced by fighters , they have to be faced with direct fight.. which I think is too much for Israel to do, it is easier to attack civilians to force Hezbollah to surrender for its conditions.
Is this a war? Those who said yes in CNN what are they saying yes for ?
Are they saying yes for attacking innocent people ?
Are they saying yes for killing children and women?
Are they saying yes for those crimes committed ?
I am asking every clean conscience in this world .. Is what Israel doing can be considered a war ? targeting civilians is allowed for israel now ?
Every one saw Hezbollah repeating more than once his warnings to Israel to stop attacking civilians but no one listened, they kept doing that , IS this act can come from a terrorist ?
If Israel is that concerned about erasing terror in Lebanon ,wasn’t this be better if it gathered its forces and attacked Hezbollah directly? Otherwise the only explanations we have here is that this army is too cowered to go into a direct contact –which is the only way to make effect on Hezbollah-
Israel is attacking churches and hospitals waiting for Hezbollah to say ENOUGH don’t hurt more of my people .. which is far away to be act of a human being,using excessive force is not fair ,but using excessive force
- against unarmed people
- against hospitals
- against troops leaving the towns running from all this fire
Is A crime in all scales .
After all this when some one votes for the war , and say to Israel go on we support you ,then this is the terrorist who is eager to seeing Muslim blood every where .
Wasn’t Hezbollah able to attack the petrochemical factories ? causing a disaster ? killing thousands of people in Haifa? Hezbollah is able to do the same , but Hezbollah is different than Israel , even when it does the wrong (forced by the acts of Israel) it doesn’t go deeply on it saying this is my right they started.
When Hezbollah kidnapped the Israeli soldiers ,it wasn’t for fun it was to get hundreds of prisoners in Israeli prisons without trial , and at that time if Israel was that small peaceful country which lives between ministers from all directions it would have go for negotiations to get them back , and this what was Hezbollah seeking , negotiations to get some of Lebanon rights .
I am Dreaming of a world that rejects all shapes of violence ,under any circumstances, having better judgment vision ,to see the truth as it is unaffected by any misleading sources.