Today i read in the bbc that davinci code is forbidden in some arabic countries ,strange isnt it? but it is very common to know that this book or that movie is forbidden ,why ?i think this is a result of the democratic model we are using in arab countries ,the question is .. is this enought to make me unable to get the movie and watch it ? is this a wise thing to make some thing forbidden just because it is against our thought ? is this how we face wrong things .. burry our heads in sands ?
It is just like some one closes his eyes when he faces a beast .. thinking that when he cant see it it doesnt exist any more !@!!
what i dont understand is : how can this change the fact that there is amovie out there against our thoughts ? it is not only about davinci code .. it is about the idea of making a movie or abook forbidden from entering the arabic borders ,what is the point of doing this ? will this protect us from strange thoughts ?
i my self have two english versions and one arabic version of the story , and i am going to watch the movie soon , this is the only way to judge things .. to see it and see what is wrong and what is right in it , and then make up ur mind .
we need to be more open minded ,and learn how to face the other opinion
those who made this decision should know that preventing the source of argument is not the right response , and the right decision is facing it not running from it