i was reading I Robot , for isaac asimov ,i didn't read it before , i though that it is another copy of the movie,but i was totally wrong
the story was more than just a science fiction novel .. it was more like discussing all the possible side effects of depending on machines .. and regarding the time it was written at , i find it a great job for the writer.
but while reading the third chapter i was chocked .. i read it before , the same events , in arabic of course
. but when i read it then it wasnt written by isaac asimov , it was written by an arabic writer and published as his own idea.
i was astonished , the arabic writer didnt even add salt on the story ..just translated it , and stuck his name !
the arabic writer was always not accepted by me , because he simply was talking about western values all the time , now i knew why !!
i was disturbed for a little .. but i decided to forget about the whole thing and enjoy the story.
i barely could reach its middle when i had this phone call , as usual .. more work in the way for my graduation project .. but the sure thing is that i will go back to finish this wonderful story .. and i hope you all read it if you didnt , it holds many values , you will be touched by that child in chapter two ,when she got really attached to her nursemaid robot ,till her parents decide to make it disappear suddenly and replace it by a dog !