Why i still see people believe that america is the only choice now for iraq ? and leaving iraq in this condition will lead to disaster ? if we thought about this issue we will find that the main problem in iraq is not terrorism , the main problem is what brought terror to this safe country , after invasion of iraq there was no control for few monthes ,which allowed qaada to put it's ugly face in iraq, also thanks to america invasion the resistance is not clearly verified ,this causes mixing between resistance and terror ,so existance of USARMY give resistance reason to work , and if this reason is removed the only thing that remains will be the ugly face of terror ,so in my openion ,people of iraq will stop supporting violence once the know who is taking advantage of this help , the third issue about peace there is we never heard about sonna and shi3a ,we were always hearing about (iraq ) and the first time i heared this word was from american tongue , cant u people see that the only one who braught this to iraq is the one that claims bringing freedom to it ? all this killing and all this violence !!.. gentlement!! what freedom exactilly that iraq is living now ?is this what bush told the world about ?
Is it freedom to go to the street looking around afraid ... afraid from that car ..and this bag .. or that box right there..any thing around u can explode in sec , even afraid of this US sniper who is sitting there , who knows may be he is in a bad mood and will shoot just to express himslef " and believe me this happens alot now ,read global news for the accidents that innocent people are killed then it appeares that they were killed by the hands of american army. This happens because soldiers are now under stress ,they are now afraid .. afraid from this child moving right there ,and this woman carrying food for her children ,afraid because they dont know where is the next hit coming from ,afraid because they know that what they did to this country is alot .. and more than "alot " , so they have to sleep in open eyes .
But the civilian in iraq is not in a better situation , now the probability to die in iraq is rising ,because causes of death increased rapidly ,before u die there because of hunger ,lake of medicen , now u can die because ur nieghbour suddenly discovered that he is shi3a and u sonna , or because ur neighbour is in doupt that u deal with the enemy and there is time to recheck .. he will execute in u what is convenient to him and then think ,or maybe u cross the street while american convoy is coming ,dont say u didnt see that sign in the car saying "stay away or u will got shot " ... -" WHAT did u say ? u didnt see it coming ? well this will not help u now where u are !!! there is no coming back :( "
THE TRUTH is that simple ,america and american government is not moving rundomly (unlike us ) they knew and studied iraq's internal construction , and it is enough to just keep talking about iraq as sonna and shi3a to make people after a while think about sonna and shi3a ... exactilly like alexandria's last events , the crack starts when i go to my neigbour and talk to him thinking about he is sonna and i am shi3a ,only at that time problem start to graw till it reach alevel that no one can make things be as they used to be .
chaos was the key to iraq .. if any intruder succeeded to make a reason for staying in a country ,it wont be better than saying " iam here to protect those people that cant protect themselves " this could be the reason for dismissing the army and police ,to creat chaos but it went out of control after that . i want to ask a question "who dismissed all forces in iraq that was keeping security ?" was american army idiot when they did this ? , no .. they were thinking about thier safty on the first place ,but why cant we say that they were creating their reason to stay in iraq ? but in iraq case america miscalculated and things gone out of control , and two days ago Bush said " we may have done mistakes in iraq case " MISTAKE is when u grab a glass of water and drop it accidently , MISATKE is when u go to solve a question and some thing goes wrong , but killing thousand of innocent people is not a mistake MR BUSH .. IT IS SOME THING MUCH MORE BIGGER .
this post is a gift for those who choosed microwave ,thinking that this is " il tatawor il tabi3i lili2tisalat " First i want today to tell all those who have choosen .. how sorry i am for them ,some of them were looking for lost goal ,or others were chasing a lie .. but most of them were unfortuantilly sorry about this choise ,i hope they saw the full picture of microwave and saw the big picture about what it is really about .... some of them told me that this choice was for getting a bigger chance to compete in the field of work .. but they missed that no one actually get agood job because of his choice , "rabina howa il raza2 " , and others said "how come i get graduated without knowing about microwave , they would have been right if it was about understanding the meaning of microwave .. but here in our unique college every thing is converted into math .. every thing !!! i think some times that if they were teaching arabic .. they will teach it in math , how many one of u know that radio waves cant go underwater for more than few meters? and this is why sonar was invented to overcome this ??? u will ask me where were we supposed to know this ? i will tell u that u have already studied this in electormagnitic :) see what i mean , if i want to understand micro wave my college is the last place to do this , this is the last place to look for knowledge , i can say that most of what i know and proud of knowing it wasnt teached in my college . for those who talks about ur course"direction" in college and how it could be specified , i am telling them that the only thing that should be specified now is how to get more degrees with the less efforts ever , because this is what it is all about .. degrees and improving ur total grade , working and learning is not in our unique college , nor in our beloved system of teaching . salam
I would like to share here my experience for getting the driving license ,which is a tragidi in all levels .. in normal countries it can take about 1-2 days to get the license ,but in egypt it took me 6 times to get it ,6 days to finish papers and pass exam,3 days finishing papers 2 days driving test "i faild yes " ,and one day for the computer test . In the first day i was really excited .. i am going to get the license ,piece of cake !!! it wouldnt take two houres ,but in 30minutes i found how wrong i was, simply because i was still finishing papers ,and after 2.5 houres i could finally get the required papers to go for the computer test ,so i went " still excited " to the room where i will go for the test , but i was told to come tomorrow .. WHY? it is so simple ,my papers are ready , and i am ready , but she told me that i have to come tomorrow , and this was the first hit . the second hit was in the second day ,i went for the test and I PASSED the test from the first time ,good good ,now i am ready for the driving test , i went to the same person and asked him where can i go for the test ? -" tomorrow " -"WHAT??? " this time i was really surprised but i had nothing to do,i spent the next day waiting for the car to come , and finally here it comes ,the worst car u could ever seen .A DISASTER ,but the man decided to try the car first ,he couldnt do it .. the car was too bad to make u pass the track and i was delayed another day , few days in this disappointing till the day i finally passed the driving test,it was a JOY , so i went to make the license and take a photo and make the license card .
but i am sure u know what happened next ...
(next day 10.00 am)
i am now waiting for the license to be made and believe it or not i will take it in the same day -no comment- now u have to ask a question .. why didnt u try to find some one to make things easy for u ? well 1- my father wanted me to depend on my self totally so he didnt support this step . 2- when i tried to find one on my own i heared that he waited for one of his relatives in the high way to pull his license :) so i changed my mind .
in egypt u need more than luck to go home safe ,i remember in my last visit to cairo and while i was in the cap .. i actually could count 3 accedents happened infront on my eyes , which was amazing :) , it tells u how crazy it is to drive in cairo ,no one respects nothing there ,i think it is less crazy here in alex . this has a very bad indication about the licences ,it is useless , the aim from having the license is to tell the world that i am ready to drive .. i know how to respect the road ,but this is not applicable here ,because mostly no one actually go throught the driving test , 90% of those go to pass the exam have agood contacts ,so they fail and take the license . as a result more and more people who are supposed to be qualified have no idea about driving and getting through streets by luck . when i am talking about driving i dont mean "moving the car " i mean respecting law ,taking care of these creatures walking and driving around me ,which has no meaning here in egypt now .
-"From delta one to base This region has lots of activity .. waiting for permission to strike ." -"permission granted .. go ahead delta one ."
"GOOD MORNING NEWSPAPER": "20 MEN WERE KILLED AND 100 WOUNDED YESTERDAY AFTER AIR STRIKE ON A WEDDING PARTY ,A GENERAL FROM USA ARMY SAID THAT THE ATTAK WAS TO KILL TWO MEMEBERS FROM (IL QAADA ) BUT UNFORTUANTILLY THEY MISSED THE PARTY ........... and we are so sorry for those who sacrificed thier soles for the sake of war on terrorism " I wish this was a part of a movie or a nightmare i had yesterday ,but not all what man wants can get ,but i cant say that movies took part of responsibility ,while millions of people watchs now american movies ,full of blood and violance ,only few of them say between themselves "thats bad " majority now got used to seeing blood , seeing people dies , the thin border between reality and imagination was erased , it doesnt matter now if u see this on the news or see it in a movie , may be in the movie u will care and watch till the end but in the news it is boring . Actually this is not applied to all countries , for example in arab countries it is preferred to have 100 or 200 every day killed ,it is considered a good way to reduce population ,but in any other civilised country hurting a cat may get u to jail , this doesnt mean they _civilized people_ dont do mistakes{they dont do mistakes there when there is some one is watching }but if u got one of them here he will be a living example for disrespecting human rights . you say i am not fair enough .. well think about iraq and afghanistan , suppose that it was reported that some one of kaada members "may be " in a certain region what america's army _who came to free us from our miserable life_ will do ? will it go there with highly trained force to go there and with minimum danger on innocent soles search the area for those people ? no no .. this is too dangerous ,we may lose some prave soldiers in the battle field .. and we dont want this to happen right ? it is more safer to bomb area with 2 tons bombs ,and it is preferred to use some highly explosive charges also to grantee no one stay alife there ,and then go with the highly trained soldiers and wipe the area out . This is a life example on the fact that human rights are only signs used to make cheap gains for those who use it .. but when it comes to places of real usage it is thrown into garbage ,have u heared about those people who was taken from afganistan and put in jails of america ? is there any one who have brain can have doupt ..even 1% that what happened in afganistan was a "war" ? which means people who were taken were war prisoners ? and should be treated based on this ? well ....america has another openion ,it says that they are" criminals who didnt like the jails of afganistan so we are giving them free tour " , people taken by force from their country in a war conditions and put in jail of another country without charges ,are considered as CRIMINALS , what would be the feeling of americans when china go there with 300 fighter and bomb WASHINGTON DC then take 200 of americans people to russia and say .. they are criminals ,and there was no war !!!! the only fact remains that the cop of the world got corrupted , the free county is now a dream ,and unless it review its situtaions with others ,there will be more and more terrorism targting america ,and amirican people . i wish i could talk about hamas ,and the hunger protocol used to make it give up , but may be some other time .
Lw sa2alt ay tifl fi masr t7ib titla3 ih lama tikbar yo2olak 3laa tool doctor .. we law 7azak 7lw tayar aw mohandis aw dabit shorta 3ashan yeddi il naz bilgazma , bas ya basha law ro7t amrica aw england 7atla2i il wad3 mo7'talif 7abitin , a2walan mosh 7atla2i nos il nas mohandsin we il nos il tany dakatra zai hina fi masr .. la2 inta 7atla2y kol wa7id 3ayez yetla3 7aga shakl .. sanyan 7atla2i in mo3zamhom fil a27'ir by7a2a2 7lmo .
tab3an il 3ib mosh fil tifl il masry .. we ana tifl kont bala2y atfal zaii 3ayzin y3milo 7aga lil balad ..fi 7'amsa ibtida2y tisa2al il talib tila2ih byefakar fi masr ,we 3ayz y3mil 7aga limasr , yod7'ol i3dady tila2ih byfakar fi mosta2balo ... lama ywsal sanawy ba3d tool 3ana2 tila2ih byfakar ysafir barra masr . 7ato2lli ih 3ilakit dah biltanse2 a2olak ma3rafsh .. bas ta3ala nitkalim 3an il tansai2 , il tansi2 fi masr 3amil zai il supermarket tro7 hinak we fi gibak daragat ..we 3ala a2d illi3andak t3raf tishtiri il kolya ili 3ala mazagak ,to2oly tab ih il moshkila fi kida , a2olak ana ih il moshkila il moshkila in a2walan il talib mosh shart ykon da7'al 7aga howa by7ibaha we bil taly 7ayshta3'al tol 3omro sho3'lana mosh by7ibaha .. we bil taly nkon zawidna masr wa7id zi illito fil sho3'l , sanyan nkon 7'asarna wa7id kan momkin ye3mil 7aga li balado law kan da7'al il kolya illi by7ibaha . 3arfin barra ba2a bye3milo ih ? sama3to 3an il IQ ? ah 3alik noor .. lw rabina karamak we da7'alt mostashfa il maganin 7ay3milolak IQ test hina fi masr , il IQ dah i7'tbar zaka2 mo3taraf bih dawliyan .. wazifto ino yo2lak inta shatir fi ih . .we t3raf t3mil ih .. bara byesta3miloh 3ashan yshofo il tifl min 7adana yenfa3 fi ih . .we momkin yeb2a shatir fi ih .. we bkida yedarisolo min so3'ro il mawad illi bymil liha aktar , we lama ykbar y7'osh ilkolya il monasba lih . tab fi masr ? fi masr ba2a ya basha sha3'alin bil kilo .. law 3anak daragat ktir 7'osh 3limi .. we sa3itha titla3 doctor aw mohandis aw ay kalam we t7ina , we law mosh damin 7'odha min asirha we 7'osh adaby . .aho tidman kolya welsalam . we salimli 3al ta3lim we il m3alimin fi masr
Have u seen what is happening to new generations ? did u ever notice that egyptian students get more stupied year after year ?
it is not a joke , il ta3lim il masry dilwa2ty bayez bma3na il kilma .. 3ala a2yami kona bno2ol fin a2yam zaman we dlwa2ty ba2ol fin ayami ... we lissa
3arfin il ta3lim zai il tabi7' bilzabt .. law o2lna in il ta3lim zai forn a2li by3mil r3'if 3ish , dilwa2ty te2daro t2olo in r3'if il 3ish it7ara2 we re7to tala3it kaman il moshkila bita3it il ta3lim maba2itsh moshkilit madrasa aw manhag aw modaris bas .. di ba2it kolki3a kbira , 7ad shaf inhyar galidi a2bl kida ? ta7'ayal dilwa2ty inak o2dam wa7id ,kol kotlit talg bita7'od ma3aha adaha martin we hiya nazla .
malisia started with mohamad mahatir at the same time that mobarak conquer egypt ,but mahatir knew that the first periority is education .. 3ashan il balad 3obara 3an nas .. lw ana 3andi nas fahma we bt3raf tfakar .. akid mosh 7afdal ma7alak sirr , 7ala2i nas bitfakar we nas bitinhad bil balad ,a2mma 3andina fa kan tafkirna fil kabary wel sarf il si77i we mawasir il 3'as
ana 3andi fil kolya il so3oba bita3it il madda mosh bitita2as bil manhag .. la2 .. di ba2it bitita2s kaman bil doctor .. if u have agood doctor no matter what is the subject or the conents , u will understand then study well ,and automaticlly u will eventually get agood grade ,we lila2saf 3andina il dacatra illi kida may3adosh il sawabi3 il 7'amsa
ana shayef in tasli7 illi baz mosh sahl 7'alis .. 7'sosan in gil il modarisin illi tali3 mosh fahim asasan howa il mafrod y3mil ih .. la2ino gil talaba tala3it 3ala ildros il 7'sosya we il tansi2 il bayez bita3na .. wa7id nifos y7'osh tgara la2a nafso fi 72o2 we wa7id nifso yedaris 3arabi la2a nafso fi kism tari7' .
il 7al in ila2wel nissaffi il modarisin illi fil madaris we nshof min fihom asalan yenfa3 yeb2a modaris we ba3d kida n7ot mizanya 7 aw 10 marat a2d il mizanya illi mawgoda , we ba3d kida n3amil il modaris 3ala ino bania2dam mo7taram ta7t i2ido mosta2bal masr . tab3an il moshkila mosh 7atit7al tab3an .. la2in il mawdo3 byboooz min zamaaaan we li gzoor kibira dilwa2ti .. bas lazim nibda2 nsala7 we i2lla masr 7atroo7 fil bye bye .
Today i read in the bbc that davinci code is forbidden in some arabic countries ,strange isnt it? but it is very common to know that this book or that movie is forbidden ,why ?i think this is a result of the democratic model we are using in arab countries ,the question is .. is this enought to make me unable to get the movie and watch it ? is this a wise thing to make some thing forbidden just because it is against our thought ? is this how we face wrong things .. burry our heads in sands ?
It is just like some one closes his eyes when he faces a beast .. thinking that when he cant see it it doesnt exist any more !@!!
what i dont understand is : how can this change the fact that there is amovie out there against our thoughts ? it is not only about davinci code .. it is about the idea of making a movie or abook forbidden from entering the arabic borders ,what is the point of doing this ? will this protect us from strange thoughts ?
i my self have two english versions and one arabic version of the story , and i am going to watch the movie soon , this is the only way to judge things .. to see it and see what is wrong and what is right in it , and then make up ur mind .
we need to be more open minded ,and learn how to face the other opinion
those who made this decision should know that preventing the source of argument is not the right response , and the right decision is facing it not running from it