Thursday, March 29, 2007
i was going through british online papers , searching for what their writers said about Egyptians last events , i found this article which i find interesting enough

i recommend that you read comments , it will take you pretty long time , but it worth every second
posted by Unknown at 4:06 PM | 1 comments
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

after referendum took place , and the result which is so obviously rigged
was announced , i started to think what comes next?

and to answer this question we have to think first about what happened before to lead us into this tight spot.

lets see , 11/9 ?
was it the start ?

how ?

after 11/9 America started to push all arab regimes into democracy model fits america's plans ,which is not bad if it was done for the real reasons .. but it was actually cheap blackmailing , to make them help in america's war on terror more and more .

In each county it took a different shape depending on how bad is the america's need for this county .. and it seems the need for egypt was really bad , it was pushing in two paths
the first one was Christians and their rights , they are minority and not having their rights(which is a filthy lie)
and the other path was democracy

and it worked , at first .. mubarak started making some pleasant changes (with some restrictions to keep his powers and control over his chair) he changed the way of selecting the president and enebled people to choose who is the president directly through direct elections ,but he put some TOUGH conditions on who to apply for the elections

also he started to try anew semihonist elections for the first time in his history , it wasnt honist because there were no noticeable fraud in the first stage nor the second , but the result was very surprising, ikhwan is wining in 90% of their representatives .. Government was in bad shape .. actually in this elections if ikhwan applied with more than 300 they would have gained majority(if everything went as the first and second stage)
but as the first and second stage ended , the regime started anew stratigy , it will not only rig the third stage , but also will prevent voters from going safly to the boxes and give their votes ,and started anew stragity that is now studied in all war acadimies .Thugs_stragity , armies of thugs protected by police their only purpose is to attack any one in favor for ikhwan ,and because the national party members dont go individually to vote , it was easy to select , and it worked , it was like street war down there , but it worth it .. because the regime didnt want his face to be much deeper in the mud.

but thugs stratigy wont stay forever , they needed something permanent to protect the next elections , somthing effictive and under the ambrella of law and constitution

oops , constitution .. this nice sweet weak element , the element that is used as a sword on the opposition neck and not binding for the regime

but how can we change it twice in less than two years ?
no no
it is not a problem at all , lets say we are converting from socialism into capitalism, and make our main changes nice and easy .

what about the parliament?
we have majority dont forget that , even if 100% of the opposition said no , we are still majority

All this is done and mession accomplished ,what comes next ?

i can say that next elections will be totaly opposite than last parliamnt elections , ikhwan will not have chairs at all , or as less as possible , and suddenly national party will be loved again and people will elect them instead of the opposition , the opposition will be more and more silent

ikhwan is now suffering a massive attack , the companies of anyone related to ikhwan is illigally closed and its money is taken by force , they are applied to martial trials , briefly no one would ever wish to be in their shoe now

future is not yet clear , gamal , and his father mobarak said that Gamal wont be the next president ..but one day Mobarak himself said "i wont apply for a second presidential period" , and masha2 allah he is now about to finish his 5'th or whatever (i stopped counting)
i am pretty sure that gamal doesnt want to be president , but we .. his people will kiss his shoes to be one , and he will accept eventually .

Please gamal we cant live without your wisdome , who will take the lead after your father?
who will drive this ship safly after your father did for more than quarter century?
posted by Unknown at 9:14 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
here is a Q&A presented by BBC

What's the referendum about?

The Egyptian government wants to make changes to the country's constitution, especially those sections concerning the conduct of elections and anti-terror legislation.

What changes are being proposed?

The proposed amendments include changes to 34 articles of the constitution. The changes include a ban on the establishment of religious parties and allow for the adoption of a new election law. They would allow the president to dissolve parliament unilaterally and dispense with the need for judicial supervision of every ballot box.

They would also allow for a new anti-terrorism law to replace emergency legislation that has been in place since 1981, when Hosni Mubarak first became president after the assassination of his predecessor, Anwar al-Sadat. The new law enshrines sweeping police powers of surveillance and arrest and allows for civilians to be tried by military courts in terrorism cases.

Why is the government so keen on the changes?

The government says that the proposed changes to the constitution are long overdue reforms that will strengthen democracy and the rule of law.

Why is the opposition boycotting the referendum?

The opposition says that the aim of the changes is to strengthen President Mubarak's grasp on power. It maintains that the watering down of the judicial supervision of elections will increase the likelihood of election abuses.

Parties such as the Muslim Brotherhood are likely to be hit hard by the proposed ban on political activity based on religion.

The opposition is also unhappy about the proposed new anti-terrorism law, which it says will turn Egypt into a police state.

It also objects to the bringing forward of the date of the referendum - which was originally set for 4 April - saying that this is indicative of the government's determination to ram through changes without taking into account any opposition.

What does the rest of the world say?

The human rights group Amnesty International is highly critical of the proposals, saying that they amount to the greatest erosion of human rights in Egypt since emergency laws were enacted in 1981 in the wake of the assassination of President Sadat.

The US has also expressed muted criticism of the proposed constitutional amendments.

posted by Unknown at 2:05 PM | 0 comments
Monday, March 26, 2007

I was passing by TV yesterday while my younger brother was watching TV and as he finally found me in front of him away from my room that i rarely leave now, he started to ask me about the changes made in the Egyptian constitution .
His question was so simple
"is the Egyptian changes good or bad ? " he asked
i replied without even thinking : "bad "

he asked "then why does the TV say it is good ? "

he has a point ,media is misleading simple people ...... i dont watch TV at all, part of me says it is because i dont have time , and the other part says there is no use of sitting in front of it watching lies and meaningless episode

My brother represents the simple street man .. because the model of the simple street man is just like my younger brother .. will believe anything comes from the TV because he doesnt know any other source of information , besides the ordinary street man doesnt know what is the Egyptian constitution doing .. all what he think of is food , prices , clothes , salaries ...

the link between all this and constitution is lost , he doesnt care about constitution ,but as he watches TV , TV will start writing in his white blank sheet all the facts that will stay with him till he dies .

This sad fact means IF the TV is neutral the results will be great , he will know both advantages and disadvantages then decision is left for him ,unfortunately this is not the case in egypt , local Egyptian TV kept planting all kinds of lies about the constitution ,kept inviting people who just say , wow , this is a gift from our beloved president , how sweet of him to do this to his people , we should kiss his hands for this !!

I didnt watch TV much in the past few days , but i watched two programs which was enough for me , one of them talking about changing item no 88 and the other was talking about the benefits behind this last constitutional change

Both of them didnt say aword about disadvantages or even invited one from the Opposition parties to talk about his opinion , TV just kept showing president mobarak saying his historical speech about changing the constitution , showing patriotic songs all the day about Egypt and its new step towards the future .

Local Media channels is under siege , not allowed to do its main rule , only used by the national party and government to serve one purpose ... spread lies to the simple street man who is mostly uneducated and mis-leaded .

My brother is a living symbol for this terrible effect of Local media , he was mis-leaded and confused , he sees in the news that Opposition parties will boycott the referendum , and sees honest parliament men leaving the room at the time of vote (simply because they are only 100 and national party soldiers are about 300 so the changes will pass with or without their approval) while watching in the same day a program talking about the greatness of those changes , who will he believe ?

everyone going to the referendum knows very well the result of this referendum before he go , even if he is going to say no , if you asked him why are you going ? he will reply : when god asks me what did i do to stop it , i will tell him i went and said no .

after 25 year of rigging the results of election Educated voters are now two group , group goes to vote knowing the his well will be rigged , and another group(the majority ) choose not to bother themselves anymore .

If the government is rigging with one way , it will be simple and easy to say it is happening , but the ironic part is that the government uses all dirty means in parallel

-switch the boxes filled with voters papers with another boxes written by them

-spread fear around places of vote by renting thugs

-force employee in the governmental institutes to vote with YES otherwise they will get punished or maybe fired

-force employee who are responsible for boxes to write papers by themselves and vote for people who didnt attend

-take buses full of voters and go from place to another and make duplicated votes

-buy voters and give them money (usually poor people ) to vote for them

All this and more happens ever time an election is held in egypt ,leaving no place for justice or real freedom

last elections was a living proof , there was a little space of freedom (very little) and the result was that national party people was minority <-- ah i forgot to talk about this last dirty move

national party before any elections makes a funny play , some of his loyal men leave the party , and enter the elections as individual , the same place has the national party representative and the spare one who is related to national party , people dont vote for the national party representative and vote for the other one , after elections is over , this fake person announce that he was mistaken when he left the party and he would like the party to forgive him for his sins , and the party cries and says .. come come , we forgive you

this was un-noticeable before because national party gains majority any way ,last time he didnt achieve the majority , and suddenly hundreds turn to be national party who left the party at the time of elections
posted by Unknown at 11:49 AM | 5 comments
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I was going through a topic has the above title at Organic muslima blog and i had some notes to talk about

The arabic way of life was always strange for western communities , there are many contradictions if compared to the western style .

till the last century women was not allowed to join the public life or go to work , Doing this at this time was considered ashame for who approve it , but this is almost gone after about 100 year of conitious change .. leading to more open community .

this change made massive differences in the way of life , and shrunken the authorities controled by men , women now participate in general life effectivly , the old image is almost erased.

but there is nothing perfect .. there are still some remains stuck in Egyptian minds ,some use these remains to draw a negative image about Egyptian community , But in my openion .. these remains are normal .. this remains are found in any other county even western country , due to ignorance or defected personalities .

Moving from general life to personal life we wont find any noticable change .. due to the fact that women go to work just like men ,the domenant rule of men in the house as the income source and the controler person is vanished , time before this change borders were clear , men go to work for the whole day to come home expecting women to do their job as well .. which is simply taking care of childern , making food , cleaning the house .

women had their job inside the house and men had thiers too outside , this kind of life was not always that ideal .. some sick men (by time) started to mis-use this powers against women and forced them to get gradually aside and stay in shadow , which is not right .. although this kind of men are rare now but their ghost is still out there .

A working women is not haram in islam ..but islam put conditions to control this , women must have a true need to work either to help the family economically or to secure the living or its family in case of absence of men inside the family , other wise women should never put themselves in the hostile work environment , this is made basicly to protect women and save their dignity from one point of view , and to make sure they do their main rule they were created for which is raising children .

ofcourse i dont mean that women should stay in the house , in modern communities economical requirements are now more than what a single income source inside a house can handle , meaning that women work is now withen the first catigory for islamic point of view.

talking about man participating in house work is a must in islam ,islam ordered men to help women in the house , but due to traditional ignorance that is deeply penetrated through the street man in egypt , helping his wife became a shame .. he may do it in secret but never admit it :)

this is the (simple man) way of thinking.. had moderated education or no education at all , the percentage of such men is decreasing exponentially among the well educated class in egypt , simply because this class is more open minded and have more interaction with western communities from a side , and having better knowledge about what islam says from another side.

to summarize the relation in arab world now we will see different models
- the model of the ancient man who think that women is a dummy element that should obey in silence and those are like ghosts now found in ferry tails only and not common

- the enhanced model of the ancient man who uses his powers (economical power or even physical in the worst case)to control the house , woman is free to go out , do whatever she likes but his word is not negotiable(can be seen more in uneducated societies

-the fake model deals kindly with his women but show that he has control whenever he has a chance this model can help woman in house work but not in public

- the modern model which is the good model just like western standards and islamic standars as well

this last model is not rare as west think , because the new generations are mostly well educated more open minded .. and had interaction with outer world through internet and sattelite channels .

nothing is ideal and this is not based on any statistical studies .. only observation , living in the community and interacting with those different classes are my standards , we can say that most of educated youth are the last model , and also say that not all the (not educated ) class are the first or second .. some of them follow the modern model although they are not educated or had interaction with west ..simply because west is not the teacher ,the teacher in this matter is the personality ,raised conditions and the character itself.

but let me ask one question , Does woman in medern life do its duty twards its home and childern as it should be?
which is better the western women that has work as first periority and family comes second or the model of housekeeper?
posted by Unknown at 9:20 PM | 11 comments