after referendum took place , and the result which is so obviously rigged
was announced , i started to think what comes next?
and to answer this question we have to think first about what happened before to lead us into this tight spot.
lets see , 11/9 ?
was it the start ?
how ?
after 11/9 America started to push all arab regimes into democracy model fits america's plans ,which is not bad if it was done for the real reasons .. but it was actually cheap blackmailing , to make them help in america's war on terror more and more .
In each county it took a different shape depending on how bad is the america's need for this county .. and it seems the need for egypt was really bad , it was pushing in two paths
the first one was Christians and their rights , they are minority and not having their rights(which is a filthy lie)
and the other path was democracy
and it worked , at first .. mubarak started making some pleasant changes (with some restrictions to keep his powers and control over his chair) he changed the way of selecting the president and enebled people to choose who is the president directly through direct elections ,but he put some TOUGH conditions on who to apply for the elections
also he started to try anew semihonist elections for the first time in his history , it wasnt honist because there were no noticeable fraud in the first stage nor the second , but the result was very surprising, ikhwan is wining in 90% of their representatives .. Government was in bad shape .. actually in this elections if ikhwan applied with more than 300 they would have gained majority(if everything went as the first and second stage)
but as the first and second stage ended , the regime started anew stratigy , it will not only rig the third stage , but also will prevent voters from going safly to the boxes and give their votes ,and started anew stragity that is now studied in all war acadimies .Thugs_stragity , armies of thugs protected by police their only purpose is to attack any one in favor for ikhwan ,and because the national party members dont go individually to vote , it was easy to select , and it worked , it was like street war down there , but it worth it .. because the regime didnt want his face to be much deeper in the mud.
but thugs stratigy wont stay forever , they needed something permanent to protect the next elections , somthing effictive and under the ambrella of law and constitution
oops , constitution .. this nice sweet weak element , the element that is used as a sword on the opposition neck and not binding for the regime
but how can we change it twice in less than two years ?
no no
it is not a problem at all , lets say we are converting from socialism into capitalism, and make our main changes nice and easy .
what about the parliament?
we have majority dont forget that , even if 100% of the opposition said no , we are still majority
All this is done and mession accomplished ,what comes next ?
i can say that next elections will be totaly opposite than last parliamnt elections , ikhwan will not have chairs at all , or as less as possible , and suddenly national party will be loved again and people will elect them instead of the opposition , the opposition will be more and more silent
ikhwan is now suffering a massive attack , the companies of anyone related to ikhwan is illigally closed and its money is taken by force , they are applied to martial trials , briefly no one would ever wish to be in their shoe now
future is not yet clear , gamal , and his father mobarak said that Gamal wont be the next president ..but one day Mobarak himself said "i wont apply for a second presidential period" , and masha2 allah he is now about to finish his 5'th or whatever (i stopped counting)
i am pretty sure that gamal doesnt want to be president , but we .. his people will kiss his shoes to be one , and he will accept eventually .
Please gamal we cant live without your wisdome , who will take the lead after your father?
who will drive this ship safly after your father did for more than quarter century?