In our college they don’t save any effort in order to make us feel comfortable ,satisfied ,happy all the time , and to keep that all the time , they have to make special efforts .. like what they did in the beginning of this year.
This year is the graduation project year , in this project the students are divided into Groups , each group chooses a doctor or professor to supervise the team work status , and lend them a hand if necessary .
Normally we may have two groups wants the same doctor , that’s why they invented some thing like elections , I write my desires in a paper ,arranging the doctors that I want to be with ,so that I can get a fair chance to do what I like in the graduation project .
And Normally those who have higher grades should have better chances to join what they like ,so logically the one that has (A) grade should have priority higher that who got (B) grade and so on .
But NOT in our college , as usual we must look for being unique so they decided to punish those who got (A) grade this year ,and give a privilege for those who got (C) or (F) for change!!!
So they decided what follows :
The group formation should be as follows , assuming a group of 15 person
0-1(max) for Grade A
3 for grade B
5 for grade c
3 for grade d
3 for those who didn’t pass one or two subjects in last year
You will ask me , what is wrong in this formation ?
I will tell you , this year we have about 500 student in this year , only 13 person have grade A , making them really rare to find in any group , but it happened that most of them are couples in their groups , so we have at least 6 groups with 2 having grade A, and thanks for this decision , if they applied for joining the project they want , their choice will not be accepted and one of them will be excluded from his group !!
But there must be an explanation for this strange decision ,and actually there is one simple explanation , we have 23 possible group , with 22 possible professor to choose from ,each one can only have one student having grade A in his group , and due to this they granted that
At least 13 groups will contain students having grade A , so that they can take the lead in their groups !!!!
So we have now about 50% of total number of groups have a leader , due to this point of view they did what they can to make it balanced as possible between groups .
Till now there is no problem ,but the big huge massive problem appears if we looked at those who got grade A.
They cant join what they want , for a simple reason , it is allowed to have only one person having grade A in the group , if there is one in a group the other cant join that group , meaning if one of them is going to do a certain project , no one else can join it , even if this was the dream of his life to make this project !!
Another problem, most of those who got grade A are couples, even in groups they are couples .. So in the divisions of group arranged by students themselves we have at least 3 groups having 2 students with grade A , those groups are now threaten to be rearranged by the college authorities , without considering their desire to be in one group .
My deep sympathies to those who got Grade A .. And this is a lesson to every one, not to be that good in his study will make him less affected by these smart changes in our dear college.