This is the question now , who won this war ??
For the first time we have a war that no one can say "I WIN", Israeli army lost a lot in this war and didn’t establish any advance over Hezbollah in a direct fight , reflecting weakness and lake of information , Also Hezbollah is now facing the phantom of Syria and Iran , trying to prove that it is not serving their purposes .
There is no a winner in any war , losing civilians in both sides is un-recovered , children who have seen death will never be like before , They simply got older suddenly .
But lets admit one thing , Hezbollah proved that Israeli army is weaker than it looks , this army who is attacking civilians in Palestine regularly in a way that made him forget how real war looks like , it is easy to go and destroy a few buildings , but when real fight came we saw them crying running scared .
On the other hand if Hezbollah lost his weapon at this critical stage , then Israel will gain what it couldn’t get by direct fight , it will have Lebanon in a plate of silver .
I keep asking myself a question , why didn’t any one blame Israel for killing civilians and starting a war without a reasonable reason ? If we looked back we will find that when Hezbollah attacked the soldiers , he attacked them in Lebanon lands that are already occupied by Israeli army , Hezbollah didn’t attack Israel as they claimed later , Hezbollah was simply resisting , and trying to get some of Lebanon rights back .
On the other hand Israel itself changed the reason for starting this war at the beginning several times , at first they said it is for destroying Hezbollah ,and getting back the soldiers (which could have been retrieved by negotiations) , then after Hezbollah started lunching missiles over north Israel , the army announced that the reason of this war to make sure that Hezbollah will not be able to lunch more of this missiles again , which he couldn’t achieve even after 30 days of fighting , Forgetting that Israel is the one who started targeting civilians !!!
Looking at number of dead in both sides we see a clear fact talking about itself , Israel was targeting civilians in purpose , all those smart missiles , satellite photos on a side , and this huge number of (civilians who died by mistake ) on the other side , can't be a coincidence , but accusing Hezbollah for using Lebanon people as a human armor is a stupid accusation , Hezbollah couldn’t do any thing to the fighters bombarding complete neighborhoods bringing down buildings over the heads of its people , this cant be described by any thing but barbarian actions , brings to heads what Nazis was doing in the ww2 over Britain .
Hezbollah will be the winner in one case , if he can keep the right to start fire any time and any where as long as Israel keeps occupying parts of Lebanon , this is know as (resistance) for any country who suffers occupation , and is usually called terrorism by any country who supports fascism.
Unfortunately we are living now in the era of LIES , where The leaders name things as they like , lie to their people , As Hitler said , the bigger the lie is the more it is able to be believed , and shuffling papers makes no way for good to express himself any more , putting Hezbollah and Hamas in the same side of Qaeda , putting Iran and Syria in the same side of Afghanistan didn’t leave place for truth any more , misclassifying them may one day make them choose terror as final option .
For example Syria , if we looked at its current status , we will find that it is occupied by Israel !! yes Israel the Son of USA in the region , the capital of piece on the eyes of the world , Israel is the white , Syria is black , Israel is the angel , Syria is the devil , but since when was the angel the beginner on attacking the devil ????
Syria is wrong yes , but not for supporting Hezbollah , it is wrong to stay till now in silence not trying to end occupation , keeping this silence give the enemy the opportunity to take more steps into threatening more and more till the day when they do like they did to Iraq .
I am full of anger now , not only me , every one see the whole truth will get angry , What was committed was a crime against humanity and those who did it must not leave without punishment.
- I wish that people of USA see what their president do to our nations .
- I wish they see what Israel really did , and keep doing .
-I wish that they see the ugly face of USA Allies in this region .
This is not my full wish list , my wish list gets bigger every day , maybe if I didn’t hold myself I would write hundreds of wishes … but my best wish is that one day I find this wish list gets smaller not bigger ,decreases not increases , because then I will begin to see things gets better not worse .