Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made the offer to George Bush on Tuesday. Thursday is the deadline set by the UN Security Council for Iran to suspend all uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities, and Iran faces possible sanctions if it fails to comply.
Ahmadinejad said: "I suggest we talk with Mr Bush, the president of the United States, in a live television debate about world issues and ways out of these standoffs.
"We would voice our opinions and they would too. The debate should be uncensored, above all for the American public."
The White House called the suggestion a "diversion" from the Thursday deadline and refused the invitation.
Here we have two different points of view , iran sees that BUSH wont agree because he have a weak appearence after lebanon war , on the other hand USA is accusing iran that this move is only to make diversion over uranium enrichment issue .
regardless the truth behind each one's reaction , the idea of making debate online is very interesting , like a chess game , whoever loses will shutup forever , but this will be too risky for bush , because bush depends on lies to convence his people , misleading them .. being in such debate will be totally different , because lies will not convence his people if it was said in such debate .ahmad najad proved how much clever he is in politics till now , the only loser at the whole line is bush , because he is losing his popularity by time , every minute his war over iraq continues he loses more and more .