One of the greatest movies I have ever seen , discussing war from the point of view of a normal citizen who was a pianist before the war , how he could survive all disasters affected his life .
It was mainly talking about Jewish , was it to remind them about their history and tell them not to do the same to Palestinians and Lebanon people ?
It is now a very old fashion to talk about how Jewish suffered .. because what we are living now , is the opposite reality of 40’s era , we are living the age that Jewish represented in Israel causing sufferings to other races , specially Arab and Moslems .
It looks like Israel is now doing what was done to Jewish tens of years ago .
In that movie there was a very touching scene ,when German was attacking a house at night , forcing the family in that house to go out ,after throwing the old man off the window ,because he didn’t stand up , although he is disabled , then they executed the family in a bloody way ,this reminded me of what is happening now by Israeli soldiers , and what happened at the beginning of Israel , when they formed gangs to attack Arab and spread terror to force them leave Palestine , this black history that exists in all leaders of Israel since its existence , there is no one of them didn’t commit a war crime against civilians .
Although this black history we always find Arab side required all the time to lower their expectations , even if they are asking for a CLEAR and DIRECT right ,how can we say that Sharon is a man of peace while the country he is ruling already occupies lands belongs to 2 countries ??!!
Where is peace in that ?
In Israeli strategy they depends on moving place of battle outside its borders , and also depends on the relationship with any surrounding country on military bases ,which peace they are seeking exactly ? is it peace or surrender ?
At time of ww2 The Arab countries didn’t show any racism against Jewish , and this is how Jewish pay back their debit ,and show how grateful they are !!!